Comments: What Am I Up To?

Hi Adrian, this is very interesting, and thanks for your response. You have mentioned some really interesting points. Geoff and I are meeting Jenny Chapman from the CEN tomorrow, she wants to know about how to blog a book. I'm going to ask if we can write a column of blogs for her, this would be a good one to include.

Posted by Ellee Seymour at April 10, 2006 03:19 PM

P.S. I shall blog about this tomorrow, it's such interesting stuff. I love it when people when think ahead like this, even better to work towards making it happen. Good luck, and do keep me posted.

Posted by Ellee Seymour at April 10, 2006 03:29 PM

Geoff and I are putting together a column for the Cambridge news on local business bloggers, would you mind if I used some of your posts for the article, perhaps the one you sent one on the future of technology. I will obviously mention your site, if that is ok, hope to write it tomorrow morning.

P.S. I tried to email, but details were not correct.

Posted by at April 12, 2006 08:10 PM
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