January 19, 2004

And When He Got There, His Blog Page Was Bare

Guess that'll teach me to post more often. It seems that my little script to automatically post deferred entries (useful when you aren't at home over Christmas but want your 31 Songs postings to still appear) has been happily rebuilding my blog every day, and so the content has been slowly dropping off the main page without my noticing. Until I opened my blog today and found it empty :-)

Still, that mainly means it's been far too long since I last posted anything. I hadn't realised it'd been so long. I've been busy sorting my tax return and have been heads down on a couple of projects, I guess it's kind of a New Year's Resolution to be more self-disciplined about implementing some of the many "wouldn't that be cool" ideas that I keep coming up with. More details as and when I get them up and running...

Posted by Adrian at January 19, 2004 10:29 AM | TrackBack

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