November 19, 2006

ESWC - Michael Lehman: Project Glidepath

ESWC - Michael Lehman: Project Glidepath

Event type: Conference

Date: 2006-11-05

Michael Lehman works for Microsoft and is an evangelist for Vista and for Micro-ISVs. He's in charge of Project Glidepath which is aiming to provide information and tools to help micro-ISVs. He also writes for the Project Glidepath blog.

Vista is Coming!

There'll be a lot of marketing behind Vista. It will include ~8000 new C++ API calls; .Net 3.0 (WPF, WCF, WF, Cardspace); lots of UI changes (e.g. 256x256 pixel icons). Plus Office 2007 will introduce the new ribbon UI (to replace the toolbar).

Project Glidepath


  • Content and info about Vista, etc.
  • Custom tools
  • Custom templates

Also non-technical stuff...

  • Marketing
  • Legal
  • Etc.

Visual Studio plugin for Project Glidepath uses RSS to keep the content and tods updated. It's trying to apply GTD to development.

Not all the information in Glidepath is written by Microsoft - it's a community effort (for example, Bob Walsh wrote a Micro-ISV module; and Robert Scoble wrote one on blogging).

Michael's Spotlight initiative will show shareware software on Windows Marketplace. He'll also promote Vista-ready apps on his blog and podcast.

Vista Logo Programmes

There'll be two Vista logo programmes:

  • "Works with Windows Vista" will be free.
  • "Certified for Windows Vista" will cost, but you'll get co-marketing from Microsoft. There may be opportunities for Michael to help out with the costs.
  • See also Gavin Bowman's write-up
  • Tags: ESWC European Shareware Conference Cambridge Glidepath

    Posted by Adrian at November 19, 2006 05:18 PM | TrackBack

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