October 11, 2008

A Sign for the Times?

Signpost reading 'Keep Crossing Fingers'

This sign is on Leece Street, and I pass it almost every time I head home from the centre of Liverpool. There are more dotted around the city, part of the Biennial I think, but this one seems particularly appropriate given the current world events.


Posted by Adrian at October 11, 2008 07:24 PM | TrackBack

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Could you please tell me where the other unusual signs are. You are talking about proper signs and not grafitti?

Posted by: Shaun at October 19, 2008 12:06 PM

They are proper signs, definitely not grafitti. It's part of Otto Karvonen's installation for the Biennial, there are some more details at this page on the Biennial website. I haven't spotted the other signs shown on that website though - the ones I'm thinking of are a number of signs (half-a-dozen or more) fastened to the side of a building on Dale Street (if I'm remembering correctly). Sorry I can't be any more specific than that.

Posted by: Adrian at October 19, 2008 02:53 PM
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