August 24, 2020
Interesting Things on the Internet: August 24th 2020
- Scream if you want to go faster! Why government technology needs (much) better governance. Good analysis of the Government's ineptitude and how they're grasping at the wrong bits of the tech world. As ever, we need more (good, diverse, rounded) digital/tech expertise at all levels of government to help counter some of this.
- Conservative anarchism, self-organisation and the future of government "A public servant thinking in this way cannot just be upwardly accountable to politicians: they must also be outwardly and downwardly accountable to their partners and citizens. The new world demands that public servants stop being grey suits with power point presentations, and instead become vibrantly, actively engaged with the people and communities they serve. It prizes relationships and networks above hierarchies and data (while recognising that all of those matter).".
- It's Only Going to Get Weirder. Sensible thoughts on supply-chain capitalism and modern life, from Ingrid Burrington.
- Weeknotes: the home, tech reporting, technocratic government, dependencies. When I got to too many new tabs open to read from Laura's weeknotes, I figured I should just include them rather than picking out highlights...
This week's RSS additions (see if you don't know what RSS is, RSS is how I find most of these Interesting Things...):
- Electric Flapjack build blog. I realised that I'd only been keeping up with my mate Michael's blog posts about his guitar building by spotting the links on his Mastodon feed, and so had missed some. Rectified that by adding it to my RSS reader.
- … My heart’s in Accra. Ethan Zuckerman seems to be working in an interesting public interest tech areas.
This blog post is on the personal blog of Adrian McEwen. If you want to explore the site a bit further, it might be worth having a look at the most recent entries or look through the archives or categories over on the left.
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