July 18, 2022

Interesting Things on the Internet: July 18th 2022 Edition

  • Equipment Supply Shocks. DoES Liverpool is a good, albeit small, example of this — we've made laser-cutting and much more available to lots of folk in Liverpool. We don't measure or care (at a filling-in-forms level) about how that impact spreads and achieve more impact as a result. I like the applying-in-public ideas in that article too, that might help make all the innovation and regeneration funding do something useful.
  • It's worse than you think. But that might not be a bad thing.
  • The week the open web won. More of us should be writing our truth into the public record, on sites that we control. I want to read more of them.
Posted by Adrian at July 18, 2022 11:39 AM | TrackBack

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