July 25, 2016
Interesting Things on the Internet: July 25th 2016
- Shaula Evans on the problems with Twitter's new everyone-can-apply-for-a-blue-checkmark policy. Also why diversity in your teams is important.
- Frank Cottrell Boyce: what's the point of culture in Brexit Britain? This is great, although I disagree that culture is different from business - it's not, but that's because business should be more like art and culture, not the other way round :-)
- ‘Hope is an embrace of the unknown’: Rebecca Solnit on living in dark times. Lots of great stuff in here, not least the recognition that visible change is often the result of long patient groundwork.
- Brexit Blues by John Lanchester. Good, clear, analysis (as ever) from John Lanchester.
- Corbyn: the summer of hierarchical things. Paul Mason on the political climate, not just on Corbyn.
- Liberalism after Brexit . Will Davies' latest take on Brexit.
- Anti-racism stand by Liverpool judge, 1944. Lovely piece from the archives. "you can always tell the better class of people in factories, because they are people who do not believe in colour bars and other matters of privilege. I do not understand how in the British Empire, with so many coloured people as its citizens, anything in the way of a colour bar can exist, or ever be allowed to exist by any Government that is worth the name of Government"
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