March 21, 2016
Interesting Things on the Internet: March 21st 2016
- Man 2 Man Meet Man Panel - “Male Speaker”. Nice policy to encourage fewer all-male speaker tracks.
- Cameron, Corbyn, The City and Steampunk. The main article linked at the top is a good read, but the comments thread is (as you'd expect from MeFi) engaging too.
- Use the words normal people would use. Wise words from Giles, on how to write for companies.
- No Motive. Heh, my bank balance suffers for it, but as last Friday's performance at Liverpool Acoustic Festival testifies, there's still plenty of doing stuff for the hell of it around here.
- Weeks 167-169. Tom, eloquent as ever in capturing a nebulous concept or feeling or whatever, on the importance of carrying on.
- From Adam Smith to Duncan Smith. Text of Paul Mason's speech to the Adam Smith Business School. Interesting thoughts on how we de-financialise the economy and encourage more development in the open source and collaborative economy(NOT the gig economy that masquerades as that)
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