November 17, 2014
Interesting Things on the Internet: November 17th 2014
- The Water-Park Scandal and Two Americas in the Raw: Are We a Nation of Line-Cutters, or Are We the Line? Entitlement and class, through the lens of amusement parks.
- The great system thinking battle that is to come. Sounds like "The Whitehall Effect" might be an interesting read.
- The $9 Billion Witness: Meet JPMorgan Chase's Worst Nightmare. I hope justice is done, but either way, surely we should be implementing laws, processes, etc. so that we don't end up with a financial system "too big to fail" again (or at least for another 50 years until it inevitably fades from the folk memory...)?!?
- Are low-paid, outraged workers ready to fight back?
- The Nor - All Cameras Are Police Cameras. James on excellent form, about city walls (of various forms)
- Leah Meisterlin — Antipublic Urbanism: Las Vegas and the Downtown Project. An excellent exploration of the Creative-Class-Regeneration-project in Las Vegas. There are echoes of what I espouse for DoES Liverpool's role in Liverpool in there, but I hope (truly hope) that we have a more human, considerate, inclusive intent (and I'd hope people would hold us to account and point out our failings if we don't live up to that intent).
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