December 17, 2010
links for 2010-12-17
Tool to profile the performance of ruby apps
An Arduino project to build an ultrasonic anemometer
How to build an ultrasonic distance sensor from the raw tranducers. Hopefully this will come in handy when I get chance to build an ultrasonic anemometer.
Detailed instructions on how to make a "cantenna" - a directional WiFi antenna made out of a Pringles can (or similar)
Interesting-looking group giving talks on science once-a-month in Liverpool. Will have to get along to one some time (which also reminds me I still haven't made it to the Cafe Scientifique either...)
Great quote, and gets across how important the company culture is to how it functions.
Interesting set of programmes about how interwoven with technology our life is, and they were made in 1978 - so things have become even more entwined since then!
Tips on how to get through customs/security more easily when you're carrying a load of home-built electronics.
Not tried this yet, but given that the last time I tried my WiFly shield things didn't work particularly well, I'm hoping this will be much better. Suspect it will be, given who's written it.
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