#!/bin/bash cd /home/tunes/downloads # Just some stats gathering echo "Track-count yesterday:" wc /home/tunes/recentfiles.txt find /home/tunes/ -name \*.mp3 -mtime -42 -print > /home/tunes/recentfiles.txt echo "Track-count after old tracks removed:" wc /home/tunes/recentfiles.txt # Delete any downloaded files older than 42 days as they won't get chosen anyway find /home/tunes/downloads/ -name \*.mp3 -mtime +42 -exec rm {} \; wget -q -r -l1 -H -N -t1 -nd -A.mp3 -w5 -erobots=off -P newflux http://newflux.blogspot.com/ # Said The Gramophone has wget avoidance scripts in place now #wget -q -r -l1 -H -N -t1 -nd -A.mp3 -w5 -erobots=off -P said_the_gramaphone http://www.tangmonkey.com/blogs/music/ wget -q -r -l1 -H -N -t1 -nd -A.mp3 -w5 -erobots=off -P music_for_robots http://music.for-robots.com/ wget -q -r -l1 -H -N -t1 -nd -A.mp3 -w5 -erobots=off -P talkiewalkie http://www.livejournal.com/community/talkiewalkie/ wget -q -r -l1 -H -N -t1 -nd -A.mp3 -w5 -erobots=off -P soul_sides http://www.o-dub.com/crates/weblog/blogger.html wget -q -r -l1 -H -N -t1 -nd -A.mp3 -w5 -erobots=off -P cocaine_blunts http://multsanta.madvision.co.uk/blunts/newsblog/news2.html wget -q -r -l1 -H -N -t1 -nd -A.mp3 -w5 -erobots=off -P number_1_songs_in_heaven http://www.londonlee.com/blog.html wget -q -r -l1 -H -N -t1 -nd -A.mp3 -w5 -erobots=off -P sleeve_notes http://www.sleeve-notes.com/blog.html wget -q -r -l1 -H -N -t1 -nd -A.mp3 -w5 -erobots=off -P pitchfork http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/mp3/ ls teachingtheindiekidstodanceagain | wc wget -q -r -l1 -H -N -t1 -nd -A.mp3 -w5 -erobots=off -P teachingtheindiekidstodanceagain http://teachingtheindiekidstodanceagain.blogspot.com/ # Now we've got the new music, let's build the list of recent files find /home/tunes/ -name \*.mp3 -mtime -42 -print > /home/tunes/recentfiles.txt echo "Track-count now:" wc /home/tunes/recentfiles.txt