Comments: Let a Thousand Niches Wither

Yeah, we all say how much we hate apps/sites with adverts all over the place but I wonder how many people would be prepared to pay a small amount to have the product without them? I'd like to say lots but I don't know, I can only speak for myself...

Posted by RJ at February 15, 2008 03:19 PM

Hey - I'd certainly love a service like this - or failing that, any chance I could peek at your code to set it up myself? I'm actually giving a talk tomorrow about the future of the book to a bunch of writers tomorrow, and might talk about this.

Posted by James at February 19, 2008 10:03 AM

Thanks for the comments. I'm still trying to work out exactly what the service would entail, but I think I'll end up building something.

In fact, I've already built something, but that's just a basic service for Russell, which has let us play around with the idea some more.

If anyone is interested in using it or suggesting how it would work, please leave a comment or send me an email.

Posted by Adrian at February 19, 2008 01:39 PM
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