January 02, 2006

Helping You To Resolve

Happy New Year!

It's pretty typical for people to start the year deciding to do a whole raft of things differently from how they've been doing things in the past. It's not something I partake in much, my mind seems to wander onto "should I be doing X differently" or "am I happy with Y" thoughts at random times throughout the year, and I try to let it run through to a "resolution" then. So my resolving is a rolling item rather than a yearly overhaul, although while choosing my Christmas present list I did decide to try to read more books this year.

Anyway, given that some of my friends have been thinking about making New Year Resolutions (and because an assortment of people have been blogging about such matters), here are a couple of links I've encountered recently that might be useful:

  • Momentum 2006 is a PDF file containing a number of questions/exercises to run through to help you better define your goals, and then get started on achieving them. It appears that one of the items in "Step 2" is missing, but that isn't a huge problem...
  • And Curt Rosengren has a short quiz to help you decide whether you're in the right career.

Posted by Adrian at January 2, 2006 09:01 PM | TrackBack

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