February 07, 2006

Burger Cake

Final burger cake The burger cake is one of the easiest novelty cakes to make, mainly because it requires the least artistic ability.  Most of the impression of burger-ness is achieved through the choice of constituent cake.  I first made this cake for one of my friends who had a summer job at McDonalds, but it's equally useful for a barbecue theme.


To make this cake you'll need:
  • 2x basic sponge recipe sandwich cakes (or 1 basic sponge cake baked in a normal tin and cut in half).  Sprinkle chopped nuts over the top of one of the cakes before baking it to provide the sesame seeds on the top bun.
  • 1x choclate whisked/fat-less sponge cake, the same diameter as the basic sponge cakes
  • Roll-out icing coloured yellow
  • Red butter-icing
  • (optional apricot jam to hold everything together)


Initial cakesThe initial cakes.  Clockwise from top - the base bun of the burger; the top bun (complete with chopped nut topping); the burger itself.  The burger is made from a whisked sponge rather than the basic sponge recipe because that will rise less than the sponge cakes used for the bun, and so provide a better thickness for the burger.
Initial assemblyThe first step is to put the burger onto the bottom half of the bun.  If you like, you can use some apricot jam to make sure that the burger doesn't move.
Add the cheeseNow roll out a square of the roll-out icing.  The side of the square should be roughly the same size as the diameter of the cake, so that when laid onto the burger the corners droop over the sides of the cake as shown.
Adding ketchupThen you need to add the relish.  For this I used red coloured butter-icing as ketchup, and because I had apricot jam to hand, I added some of that as onion relish.  All that remains is to add the last cake as the top bun to finish the cake.
Posted by Adrian at February 7, 2006 02:42 PM | TrackBack

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that is ace!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: alice at September 27, 2007 02:16 PM

im going to get my mum to buy the ingredients im going to make that YUMMMMMMMMY!

Posted by: alice again at September 27, 2007 02:18 PM

that's the most cr*p burger cake I think I've ever seen. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Posted by: julie at May 25, 2011 07:05 PM
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