May 02, 2003

Ways to settle into a new office...

Keep two new Goodyear Eagle F1 tyres next to your desk. This will cause all manner of people to comment on them, discuss the groovy tread pattern, speculate on whether the tread pattern actually works or is just a fashion thing to make them more likely to sell, wonder whether they'll fit their car, look for your car in the car park (only to find that you're on your bike that day :-), discuss recreating 8-bit platform games in real life by rolling the tyres at your co-workers, and all sorts of other things.

And you get strange looks when you roll them down the office after they've been delivered.

Plus you can get them delivered to your (office) door at bargain rates from

Assuming Milla's battery has charged when I nip home at lunchtime, they'll be gone from next to my desk this afternoon. Then I'll have to find something else to puzzle passers-by ;-)

Posted by Adrian at May 2, 2003 11:43 AM | TrackBack

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