February 10, 2009

A Web Win For Liverpool City Council?

This article on the Liverpool Daily Post's Dale Street Blues blog earlier caught my eye - Guest blog: How to improve local government. It's about an interesting project called the Liverpool Commission to look into ways that local government could improve how it interacts with the electorate. Obviously, I think there could be interesting ways that social media and technology in general can help to improve the debate, and I'd like to see if there's any way that I or the rest of the Liverpool geek community could help out.

The Daily Post article is rather low on links to more information, and given my recent experiences with the Year of the Environment it was with some trepidation that I googled for "Liverpool Commission".

Thankfully my fears were unfounded. The first result returned was for a post on Councillor Paula Keaveney's blog about a recent Commission meeting. Not only that, but she seems to blog quite frequently, which is excellent news.

So, Cllr Keaveney - can we have a chat sometime about Liverpool Commission and how the web might help?


Posted by Adrian at February 10, 2009 11:23 PM | TrackBack

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