January 28, 2005

Harts Hill Turbo In The 8:22

My mate Ian is getting married in a couple of weeks. Last weekend was his stag do. I can neither confirm, nor deny, rumours that the event was held in and around Brighton as obviously I am bound by the Official Stag Secrets Act of 1868.

I am placing my life in considerable danger just by divulging this much. These photos are classified and according to the authorities "do not exist." The one to the right shows the sort of people I am talking about: a battle-hardened, spoiling-for-action group of tough, disciplined men at the peak of physical and mental fitness. Not long after this was taken, the squad were out on an "exercise" from which the stag was lucky to escape with his life.

It is safer to show the second picture, as what it records is a matter of public record. There was a race meeting at the Brighton and Hove Greyhound Stadium on Saturday 22nd January 2005. The 8:22pm race was the Ian Kelly Stakes. The winner was Harts Hill Turbo. Mr Ian Kelly, Esq. was seen presenting the owner of the winning dog with a commemorative silver plate.

From here on the facts start to get sketchy. He did seem to be shadowed by a number of men. Not always all of them; not always the same ones; and those not nearby would be checking out other parts of the venue - down trackside, or up in the bar and restaurant area. They were also careful to stagger both their arrival and their departure. Their exact role remains unclear, as do details of the amount of money taken from the bookmakers.

The people of Brighton are no doubt wary of the gangs return.

Posted by Adrian at January 28, 2005 05:42 PM | TrackBack

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We didn't hit any of the pubs near the stadium. We were at the Komedia comedy club for a while, and spent a fair bit of time in the bar of the Quality Hotel ("The hotel with the quality name" should be their slogan, but probably isn't) although I'm sure we had nothing to do with the lift problems they were having the morning we checked out...

Posted by: Adrian at January 31, 2005 07:18 PM
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