June 23, 2003

Impending rebranding

It's spelt McQN... it's pronounced McEwen!

Yep, despite thinking about it when I was at Uni, mcewen.com had been taken when I finally got a round tuit (warning: very bad joke that I haven't seen since seeing them on sale in seaside tat shops when I was little) a few years later, and then I thought about registering mcewen.co.uk, but really wanted a .com, and just couldn't think of anything I liked that hadn't already gone (there's still lots of to-ing and fro-ing to be done about the company name for the same reason :-). I did think about adrianmcewen.com, but an email of adrian@adrianmcewen.com just sounds a bit weird (might register it just in case I find a need for it I guess)

Then, over the weekend, I thought of McQN.com, and to my surprise, it hadn't been registered - I think the fact that it's not my exact name is countered by it being a four-letter .com :-)

So over the next month or so, I think McFilter and the rest of chortle.org.uk will be migrating to mcqn.com.

Posted by Adrian at June 23, 2003 03:06 PM | TrackBack

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