June 28, 2003

The one-stop party posting

I think I've found the solution to my lack of a CD+G player. I can't remember if I updated my posting about which karaoke CDs I should buy, but I bought one, and then found out that none of the multitude of devices I own which accept little silver discs would play it!

My Mum just emailed me about Argos are selling off an assortment of karaoke CDs at half-price, and in trying to find out more about the discs, I found Sing To The World.com. As well as producing CDs, and selling equipment, they offer an online, streaming karaoke service! :-D Only £5.99/month and you can sign up for individual months as and when you fancy. So I think I might be using that for future parties - it's a lot of £5.99s before you get to the cost of some CDs and a CD+G player... and they've got a much bigger selection. Cool.

And then in a discussion about mirror-balls, etc. on cam.misc, I've found CPC's spotlights for mirror balls, and Cambridge Disco Hire And Sales. I suspect I'll have a mirror-ball motor and proper spotlight for the next party too.

Now I just need to plan the next party...

Posted by Adrian at June 28, 2003 12:53 PM | TrackBack

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