October 11, 2003

Forward Thinking BBC

I think it's excellent that the BBC has people like Ashley Highfield involved. In his speech TV's Tipping Point: Why The Digital Revolution Is Only Just Beginning: PaidContent.org, he shows the sorts of exciting, out-of-the-box thinking that can carry the BBC forward into the brave new world of PVRs (Personal Video Recorders, like TiVo or Sky+), downloading over broadband, "ambient TV"... The talk is of embracing technology, rather than fighting it as the music industry is.

"We should create more programmes that come with the meta-data, the tags in the programme that allow it to be chopped up and consumed piece meal by the viewer."

The future of TV is going to be fun!

Posted by Adrian at October 11, 2003 01:46 PM | TrackBack

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