January 13, 2005

Problems With Email


Always remember, when testing whether email is working, to send the test email through a machine other than your own server.

At the start of December, my internet connection was down for a day or so. Since then, I seemed to be receiving less email, although hadn't worked out the problem (because I didn't follow the above rule).

Today, more by luck than design, I've found out exactly what the problem was, and solved it. I'll spare everyone the overly geeky explanation, but the upshot is that email sent to amcewen AT bcs.org.uk hasn't been reaching me since 9th December 2004.

It is now fixed, and some of it is starting to be delivered, but I don't know how much of it will arrive. So, if you've sent me email recently, particularly if it bounced, can you send it again please?. Thanks.

Email to mcqn.net addresses has been unaffected (which is part of the reason I hadn't noticed the extent of the problem earlier).

Posted by Adrian at January 13, 2005 02:31 PM | TrackBack

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